Safe Harbor is a 24/7 residential and Christ-centered program that empowers women toward healing and equips them with life skills for quality living.
Women helped since Safe Harbor began.
Hours of education for each woman, every year.
Hours each woman has with a mentor, coach, sponsor, or counselor, every year.
Hours of recovery meetings for each woman, every year.
Safe and sober housing in a family environment.
Women who are healing from trauma and addiction need a safe place to live while they address deep and complex issues. We believe that much-needed "shelter" cannot simply be a roof over their head - we believe transformation is more likely if the environment and culture are more like a family than an institution. Furthermore, we believe deep and sustainable healing can only happen in the context of this connected family/community. Isolation and disconnection are major sources of the problem, and can never bring solutions.
Trauma-informed programming in 6 Growth Areas.
We believe every single one of us needs to address personal health and pursue abundance in these 6 Growth Areas: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Relational, Life Skills, & Education/Employment.
Wrap-around social services and connection to community resources.
Our desire is to prepare Safe Harbor residents for sustainable recovery and wellness! In order to empower and equip each resident, we aim to facilitate life-giving relationships, connections, and experiences with all available community and professional social services. We are thankful for every agency, service provider, and organization that partners with us toward that end.