For women seeking help, and for referring agencies:
Who qualifies to be a resident at Safe Harbor?
Safe Harbor is open to all qualified women regardless of ethnicity, religious affiliation, or sexual orientation. The ideal resident is a woman who is open to community living and is ready to do the hard work of healing and restoring her life. She must be willing to fully participate in the transformation process that comes through education, skill development, self-discovery, and feedback and assessment from the community. And she must have the following qualifications:
Gender: Female
Age: 18+
Status: Not currently the primary caregiver for any children
Physical: No serious/life-threatening medical conditions; Mobile; Able to provide self-care and self-administer medication; and able to begin job search within 6-9 months
Mental: Mentally able to process new information and communicate
Psychological/Emotional: Is not actively psychotic
Recovery: Not currently in active withdrawal. If you need assistance with withdrawal, we'd love to help at our Recovery Beginnings Program!
Safety: Does not have a history of violence; Not a registered sex offender
The intake process at Safe Harbor House
There are several steps that help the staff at Safe Harbor and women who are interested in living in the house to mutually decide if Safe Harbor House is a place where she can heal and thrive. The process is outlined below:
An application is completed and submitted.
If the applicant meets all these basic criteria, Safe Harbor staff will schedule an assessment with the applicant. If there are no open spaces, the application will be put on a waiting list, to be considered when space becomes available.
If indicated in the assessment, further mental health or medical information may be sought.
Safe Harbor staff will contact you regarding acceptance or referral elsewhere.
If accepted, an intake date will be scheduled.