This is Kristen Eisentrager.
She may look like an ordinary young woman, but here at Safe Harbor, we believe she is pretty special. She has been using her artistic gifts to bless Safe Harbor for several years now - you may know her as the person who designed our 2016 mugs and our 2017 "abundance" logo and mugs. This week, Kristen sent us her "VICTORIOUS" logo for 2018, and we can't wait to share the new logo with you, along with the mugs and other products on our Harbor Market. For now, I wanted to give you a preview, by sharing Kristen's heart. Here's what she had to say about the word "VICTORIOUS," our declaration over this year at Safe Harbor!
"When I think of the word "Victorious," I think of overcoming and rising above. So many times, whenever a problem or challenge arises, it can seem like a mountain dropped in front of us and we can't see anything beyond it. However, when we look at those circumstances from God's perspective, our perspective has the opportunity to change drastically. He is SO MUCH BIGGER than all of the problems we face and He already knows what's on the other side of those mountains. The mountain is so small from His view. He sees it as something He wants us to go through for the beauty that will grow from it. When we push through the circumstance, the mountain begins to shrink and we can start to see beauty growing out of our victory."
Amy Willmann
Executive Director
Safe Harbor House