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Graduate Spotlight: Teela C

What helped her the most while she was at Safe Harbor: "I was broken when I first got there...I was never treated with respect or as a human being...Safe Harbor was filled with so much love...and treated me with respect and valued my opinions. It was real love."

The most helpful tools she learned at Safe Harbor:

"Focusing on recovery and spirituality was very important to me...slowing down and soaking in the Holy Christ and who I was...I found myself to be a caring person, someone who loved in the right ways and tried to see the good in other peoples vs. what everyone else told me - that I was heartless..."

Proudest Accomplishment while at Safe Harbor:

"the relationship that I built with my mother whom I hadn't had a relationship with for 6 years, getting visitation with my son, getting my GED. I just re-read my speech from my GED graduation and cried like a baby."

Proudest Accomplishment since leaving Safe Harbor:

"I have shared parenting of my son right now and will have full custody in May. Buying a house, getting married, peer certification and working the SUD field." Note: Teela is working on her CDCA certification (chemical dependency counselor assistant) and is also working toward a social work degree.

Other Comments:

"Safe Harbor continues to be there for me, even at my wedding. It means a lot."


If you would like to contribute to the healing work that Safe Harbor is doing, please consider giving a donation of any amount. You can donate securely below or send a check made out to Safe Harbor at P.O. Box 124, Springfield, OH 45501 with our sincere thanks.


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